
Happy Mother's Day

Last friday, while I was driving, just after picking up my sons from kindergarten, Jat said cheerfully, "Mama, Jat ada surprise untuk mama. Jat buat dengan ustazah kat sekolah." I said, "Iye? Jat nak kasi apa kat mama?" Actually, I've knew it must be something related to mother's day. "Mama kena close your eyes. Mama kena hulur tangan gini." He showed me his two small hands. "Ok, nanti sampai rumah mama close my eyes. Mama tak boleh close my eyes now, mama is driving, nanti accident." I said and Jat agreed.

Abang who heard that Jat had a surprise for me, sadly said, "Abang tak de apa-apa pun nak surprise kat mama." I said "It's ok." He repeated again that he had nothing to surprise me. I turned around to see Abang's face and he really looked sad. I said, "Hmm...nanti bila papa balik, abang ajak papa beli surprise kat mama ok?". Well, I know, I'm using my son to get something from my hubby. Anyway, he protested and said, "Papa balik lambat. Abang nak kasi surprise kat mama...". Well, as usual I'll stop at my sons' favourite shop before heading home. Abang got his ice-cream and forgot about he had nothing to give me anymore.

Just after we arrived home, Jat presented me with a card that he and his ustazah created at school. Inside the card was a big heart, with 'I Love U, mama' by Izzat. Thank you so much, Jat, that was lovely...

As usual, in the evening, around 5.30pm, I will accompany my sons as they play in our compound. Abang plucked Alamanda (a flower that we grow in our backyard) and gave it to me, "Mama, ni flower untuk mama." After I said thank you, he ran and played with his brothers.

On Mother's Day, early in the morning, I was preparing breakfast. My hubby was watching TV when Abang woke up and sit next to him. My hubby reminded him, "Abang, today is mother's day." He replied, "Abang dah kasi mama flower."

Thank you sayang, you are such a lovely boy!

(I received a mother's day card from Abang on Tuesday. In his own handwriting, he wrote 'you are always in my heart, mama', 'thanks for everything, mama' and 'I love you mom!' and a picture of Abang and me, Signed Wan Imran.)


Yasmin's Mummy said...

wow that's sweet. My DD gave me a card. She wanted to get me roses, but then she asked, "kat mana nak beli roses?"

Ummu Auni said...

sweet...scan la those cards :)
wanna take a look.

nida said...

yasmin's mummy....yasmin, rumah k.ida ada roses...tanamla maksu, seronok bila tgk pokok berbunga...

ummu auni...dah upload the picture...

Ummu Auni said...

cute! even thoguh celbrating mother's day is not a tradition in our family, but still it's nice though

aida said...

bestnya dpt kad.. aida pun dpt dari amni & fawwaz,
nanti nak kena upload pics gak la :)

nida said...

ummu auni...not our family tradition too...cuma bila Abang start kindergarten last year, k.ida start receiving mother's day card...they created at school..

aida...best tau dapat card yang anak2 buat sendiri, last year punya kad k.ida still simpan...

Ibu WA Alim said...

My DS selalu juga petik bunga alamanda dpn rumah sunting kat telinga Cy..lpsla kempunan Cy terhdp flowers giving ni..tp bila dia tgk Cy letak merata bunga pemberiannya, merungut dia..

nida said...

Ibu Wa Alim....tiga anak2 ida ni pun suka gak petik alamanda n sunting kat telinga ni, bila dah tiga kuntum bunga kat telinga kiri n kanan, rasa macam orang Hawaii lak....

Ibu WA Alim said...

Mujorla ada anak2 kita yg sudi sunting bunga kat telinga kita..besar jugalah hati kita..

nida said...

ibu wa alim....rasa sangat2 berbesar hati dan dihargai oleh anak2...

Ibu WA Alim said...

Ya la..mujo Tuhe bagi kita anak/anak2..kalu tidak..ssengehla kita ni..Cy dok musykil..mana Mak Su ni..sunyi sepi ni..nnganju ko..